Traffic Safety Training

- Make sure your vehicle is up to date on its maintenance.
- Plan out your route.
- Plan appropriate stops.
- Be realistic about the time it will take to make the trip.
- Make sure everything, and everyone, is properly secured.
- Wear comfortable clothes for the drive.
- Have necessary items within easy reach - put all in a convenient place and do not take your attention off
of the road.

- Adjust the car’s controls while you’re stopped - tune the settings like Heater, AC, Radio Station or
changing CD’s

- Follow the rules of the road - traffic rules are passed for good reasons. So, don’t go in no-passing zones
- Be watchful of other drivers - Keep an eye who drive recklessly, change lanes, slow down without
warning or anything that could cause an accident.

- Beware of distractions - Along with cell phones, people also get distracted by eating, drinking, combing

- If you have a passenger, make them responsible for maps and directions.
- Take extra breaks, if tired - Find a convenient place, get some fresh air and a cup of coffee.
- Deal appropriately with the weather - conditions could make driving difficult.
- Plan for emergencies - it is possible that the car will break down or you’ll have an accident.


Traffic Safety Hyderabad

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These safety driving tips will help to develop and create safety awareness that can reduce traffic jams and accidents. Hyderabad Driving School is here to give you the facts about safety, traffic education in india and we keep you informed about the most important driving safety tips.

Cell Phone Safety -
If you must use your cell phone while you are driving on the way, follow these driving safety tips.
Now a days, most of the drivers are using their cell phones while driving. Avoid talking on the cell phone while you are driving, but it may be unavoidable at some times.

- Know your cell phone and its features, such as speed dial and redial.
- When available, use a hands-free device.
- Position your cell phone within easy reach.
- Avoid conversations during hazardous conditions.
- Do not take notes or look up phone numbers while driving.
- Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations that may be distracting.
- Use your cell phone to help others in emergencies.

Drinking & Driving -
Here are some a few tips that can help you to get away from a drunk driver.
- Try to make it sound like you are doing him a favor
- Suggest that he had too much drink and it would be better to let you drive.

Car Accident Tips -
- Car accidents can be very dangerous and stressful.
- Stay calm.
- Make sure you and your passengers are OK.
- Call the ambulance.
- Contact your insurance company and report the claim.
- Do not admit fault.


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Driving courses at your Doorsteps. Take car driving classes at your own schedules in Hyderabad, AP, India

Driving classes at your Doorsteps. Take car driving classes at your own schedules in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh


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